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Professional Registration

CIBSE is licenced to award professional registration alongside membership. Registration demonstrates that you hold a level of competence and commitment that is recognised internationally.  

Registration is achievable no matter what qualification you hold, your academics simply determine the route you will take.

Our membership grades are aligned with the registration titles. You will need to demonstrate how you meet the relevant competence criteria.

Professional Registration Infographic


Requirements for EngTech, IEng and CEng

To gain registration you need to meet the competence criteria for the membership grade alongside demonstrating your technical knowledge.

Find out the academic requirements for EngTech, IEng and CEng and how to have your qualifications assessed.

You can gain registration with no qualifications by taking our Alternative Route. 

Qualification Assessment

Membership & Registration Routes

MCIBSE and want to gain CEng

If you already hold MCIBSE you can gain CEng through our Technical Report Route

Alternative Route

Already hold IEng/CEng registration?

If you currently hold IEng or CEng with a different institution you can fast track into CIBSE membership.

IEng/CEng Fast track

Internationally registered?

If you are registered in Australia, Hong Kong, Ireland or New Zealand you may be eligible to fast-track into CIBSE membership.

Mutual Recognition Applicants

Registration for European Engineer (EURING)


International Professional Engineer (IntPE)


Any questions?

Explore our FAQs pages for more information about how to join CIBSE, the membership types, the application process for professional registration, or other enquiries you might have.

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Raising Hands 2021 09 24 03 32 21 Utc
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