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Appeals Procedure

This page provides guidance on the appeals procedure for unsuccessful candidates who followed one of the following routes or assessment processes:

  • Standard / Alternative Membership Routes
  • Technical Report Route / Experiential Learning Route
  • End Point Assessment (EPA) - (select EPA as the application type)

Appeals Procedure

You must have reviewed and discussed your scoresheets with your sponsor prior to submitting an Appeal.

To submit an appeal, please complete the online CIBSE Appeal Form

An official appeal must be submitted in writing to the membership team within three months of receiving your result.

The grounds on which you can make an appeal are:

  • Administrative procedures were not followed by CIBSE.
  • The interview was conducted inappropriately.
  • An unforeseen event occurred prior to or during the interview/assessment.

Your appeal will need to substantiate one of the above grounds. The Panel will be looking to understand the nature of your appeal and why due process was not followed in its normal robust way.  Please note, if applicable, your appeal may be sent to the interviewers in question for their comment.

CIBSE's appeals process does not allow for you to appeal against the interviewers' judgement of your competence as demonstrated during the assessment process.

Note: If your appeal does not meet the above requirements it will not be taken further.

What happens next?

If your appeal meets one of the grounds, your appeal form, original application and any additional documentation (such as interview documentation) will be reviewed and further information may be requested.

If it is deemed that a case exists, all documentation will be sent to the Appeals Panel for review.

The Appeals Panel will be made of at least three members from the Membership & Registration Panel.

The Result

The final decision of the Panel will be sent in writing within three months of receipt of your written appeal. The result will be one of three options:

  1. Re-interview / Re-assessment

If a re-interview / re-assessment is awarded, it will be arranged by CIBSE HQ.
Note: No additional interview/assessment fees will be charged.

  1. No grounds for appeal

If it is decided that there are no grounds for appeal, the Panel’s decision will be final and the file will be closed.

If you have any questions regarding this process please contact [email protected]

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