The Resilient Cities group aims to provide a focus within CIBSE to provide leadership and knowledge on the adaptability, sustainability and resilience of cities. It will bring together industry experts interested in developing means and methods for systems thinking for the adaptability of cities in the face of increasing impacts of climate change.
It will gather, inform and disseminate knowledge and practice in this area, looking at the role of building services in a wider context, creating greater awareness and interest in the issue, and serving the needs of those involved in making cities more resilient.
To broaden knowledge and awareness of the strategic and practical issues around the adaptability, sustainability and resilience of cities.
To use all communication channels including social media to disseminate useful, applicable knowledge in an accessible way.
To seek collaborations with other groups, networks and societies within and outside of CIBSE.
To facilitate a two-way interface with the research community, encouraging knowledge co-generation, highlighting knowledge gaps and working with relevant bodies to ’translate’ research into practical advice.
To provide speakers for events, technical papers, seminars and training courses, and to organise a programme of events as appropriate.