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Application & Other Fees

All application and reinstatement fees are non-refundable. Any refunds for interview fees are subject to our cancellation policy.

Application & Interview Fees

Membership Grade

Application Fee

Interview Fee

Student (all) NA NA
Graduate £29.00* NA
Affiliate £29.00* NA
Licentiate (LCIBSE) £56.00** £122.00 (if applicable)
Associate (ACIBSE) £78.00** £144.00
Member (MCIBSE) £100.00** £144.00
Fellow (FCIBSE) £128.00** £172.00

*Free when your application submitted and paid for online. £27 charged for applications requiring an invoice or manual processing.
**Free for current members. Any outstanding membership fees must be paid for before applying to upgrade.


Engineering Council Entry Fees

Registration Grade

Final Stage

Interim Stage

EngTech £20.66 NA
IEng £50.40 £12.24
CEng £59.70 £12.24


Reinstatement Fees

Membership Grade

Reinstatement Fee

Graduate  £29.00
Affiliate £29.00
Licentiate (LCIBSE) £56.00
Associate (ACIBSE) £78.00
Member (MCIBSE) £100.00
Fellow (FCIBSE) £128.00

Information on how to reinstate your membership can be found here


Other Fees

Qualification Assessment (non-member) £95.00
Application Fee:
  • EU Directive Route
  • Mutual Recognition Route
Application Fee:
  • Technical Report Route
  • Experiential Learning Route
Assessment Fee:
  • Technical Report Route
  • Experiential Learning Route
Interview Fee:
  • Technical Report Route
  • Experiential Learning Route
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