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The Future of Heat: Non-domestic buildings

Non-domestic buildings in the UK account for 17% of our energy consumption and 12% of greenhouse gas emissions. The Government is looking to unlock carbon and bill savings from non-domestic buildings as part of the overall strategy and to meet Carbon Budgets.

Objectives of the consultation

The Government realises that there is significant potential for savings from heat, cooling and energy efficiency within the different non-domestic sectors (public, business and commercial) but accessing it has a number of challenges because of the diverse nature of energy usage in those buildings. The current evidence base is not complete and a number of polices need to be considered and tested to see which can deliver the most effective savings.

The Government issued a consultation to seek views on possible saving opportunities, and how to:

  • Keep energy bills as low as possible;
  • Continue to ensure the UK has a secure and resilient energy system;
  • Remain at the leading edge of science, research and innovation; and
  • Reduce carbon emissions cost-effectively.

This consultation concluded on 27 January 2017.

Supporting papers

To download the consultation document, please follow the link below.

CIBSE response

We felt that as we had already submitted many responses to consultations which addressed various aspects of this topic, it was not a good use of time to repeat them again. Instead, we wrote a response that indicated the experience and knowledge to improve the performance of existing building stock and appropriate legislative infrastructure and policy support required to deliver this. Led by CIBSE consultant Dr Vic Crisp we emphasised that the only likely way forward to achieve the emissions reductions targets proposed is through much greater use of a decarbonised electricity supply. In parallel, demand should be reduced by a range of building design measures, through peak pricing to reduce peak demands and incentivise storage, and by a greater focus on actual building performance rather than design compliance with Building Regulations. 

To read the full CIBSE response please follow the link below.

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