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CIBSE Gold Medallists for 2020 and 2021

Left to right: Kevin Kelly, Ruth Carter, Phil Jones, David Hughes, Stuart MacPherson

David Hughes delivered the citation for Phil Jones. David referenced Phil's contribution to over 100 CIBSE publications and over a dozen of CIBSE's major publications with a general focus on energy efficiency and heat networks.


Phil has had a long and distinguished career in the profession of Building Services Engineering. He Joined CIBSE in 1981 and has been a Fellow since 2010.

Phil has specialised in the development of scientific concepts and their application to reducing energy demand in buildings. He has achieved this as an Engineering Consultant and University Academic through the promotion of concepts, guides and publications to energy efficiency good practice in buildings.

Phil started his career in British Gas where he won a Dufton Silver Medal (1982) for his work on hot water consumption. He went on to lead a team in WS Atkins where he carried out numerous energy surveys and wrote many guides under the governments Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme. 

He has been a freelance energy consultant since 1990, and also worked for London South Bank University, leading the business development initiative for the unit that was to become CEREB (the Centre for Efficient and Renewable Energy in Buildings). At LSBU he worked with colleagues on providing evidence to the London Mayor on the effectiveness of policies in the London Plan, with three landmark reports on the London Energy Strategy. Phil is currently a Visiting Professor at LSBU working on the GreenSCIES project.

Phil chaired the CHP-DH & Energy Performance Groups and was a Council Member for over 15 years. He is a regular volunteer on the Technical Symposium Scientific Committee and a regular presenter of papers at our technical events and in the CIBSE Journal. Phil chaired groups producing:

•    AM12 Combined heat and power for buildings (1999 and 2013)
•    CP1 Heat Networks for the UK (2015 edition) 
•    CP2: Surface water source heat pumps (2016)
•    CP3 Open-loop groundwater source heat pumps (2019)

He is a credited contributor to:
•    AM5: Energy Audits & Surveys (1991)
•    TM22: Energy assessment and reporting methodology (2006)
•    TM46: Energy Benchmarks (2008)
•    TM54: Evaluating Operational Energy Performance of Buildings at the Design Stage (2013)

Phil has been a major contributor to over 100 publications and over a dozen of CIBSE’s major publications having the general theme of Energy Efficiency and heat networks, being the principal author of:
•    AM3: Condensing Boilers (1989)
•    Guide F: Energy efficiency in buildings (1998 and 2006). The 2006 edition was a major update that brought together all the existing energy benchmarks
•    TM31: Building log book toolkit (2006)
•    TM39 – Energy Metering (2006)
•    KS14 Energy Efficient Heating (2009)
•    CP1 Heat Networks: CP for the UK (2020 edition)

His dedication to promoting the building services profession is matched by his drive and determination to deliver high quality work. It is my very great pleasure to nominate Phil for a Gold Medal.

Professor Phil Jones
Building Low Carbon Solutions
Visiting Professor London South Bank University


My thanks to CIBSE, I would like to share three key lessons learnt:

We, CIBSE, are the REAL climate activists! Ever since I measured the first large condensing boiler in the UK in the early 80’s I been a climate activist, although it was called ‘Energy Efficiency’ back then. I just don’t feel the need to glue myself to boilers to achieve change, activism can be positive and practical. A 1982 Dufton silver medal still sits on my desk for work on hot water sizing, two editions of CIBSE Guide F helped changed the sector and TM39 brought energy metering into buildings. All of which has been driving towards energy efficient, low carbon buildings. We have made progress, just not enough. We need to go faster, deeper, better, to meet the huge responsibility we have in designing and operating the future low carbon built environment.  

During my 40 years in the sector, I have produced over 100 publications, visited over a 1,000 plant rooms and trained over 10,000 people. But most of this has been about providing GUIDANCE. Over the last few years I have learnt that we need to move on to setting STANDARDS. “You shall” rather than “you might”. Codes of Practice and compliance tools are the way forward for CIBSE. CP1 Code of Practice on Heat Networks demonstrates this admirably. It sets minimum and best practice standards with compliance tools that we expect will underpin the future BEIS/OFGEM regulatory framework for heat networks. It has also changed the way developers specify heat networks, “I want one to meet CP1” is now becoming the norm. CIBSE should migrate its guidance into Codes of Practice and standards.

Most buildings are still fairly poor products, sometimes we even have to send them back to the supplier! Not just poor energy efficiency but poor comfort, IAQ, maintenance, etc. We, CIBSE, make buildings work. But we have to search for ways to make them work better, so that occupants enjoy them, and FM teams can manage them well. More soft landings, introducing building ‘sea trials’, improving dispute resolution and connecting supply chains. The challenges are huge, but we can rise to these and make better buildings!

My huge thanks to those that proposed and supported me for this prestigious gold medal, this recognition means a lot to me. But also thanks to all those that I have worked with along the way, and to the whole of CIBSE for allowing me to make a small difference to buildings. 

Left to right: Ruth Carter, Stuart MacPherson, Bryan Franklin, Kevin Kelly

Hywel Davies, CIBSE Technical Director delivered the citation for Bryan Franklin referencing his time as Chair of the CIBSE Technical Publications Board and the Policy and Consultation Committee, now the Technology Committee. In addition, Hywel cited Byran's role in leading the the development of a CIBSE certification scheme and in establishing CIBSE Certification Ltd.

Citation for CIBSE Gold Medal – Bryan Franklin – 11 February 2022

Bryan Franklin’s service to our Institution has few parallels.  In his seventh decade of membership, he became an active volunteer in the early 1980s, when still an active partner in Steensen Varming Mulcahy, of which he became senior partner. He chaired the former Technical Publications Board of the institution and led the major revision of CIBSE Commissioning Codes in 1999-2002, which also included the development of the CIBSE Commissioning Management Code, Code M, which is now cited in the Approved Documents as the means of demonstrating with regulation 44 of the Building Regulations
He later chaired the Policy and Consultations Committee, now the Technology Committee and served on the CIBSE Management Board prior to 2005. He was a long time member of CIBSE Council, retiring from that role when he relinquished the Chair of Technology Committee in 2018. 

Bryan became an Honorary Fellow of the Institution in 2007 at an age when even the most active volunteers might seek to reduce their commitments.  But Bryan has continued to serve in key strategic roles for the Institution. In that year Bryan stepped forward to lead CIBSE’s development of certification activities, a significant new challenge for the Institution at the time when the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations came into force and CIBSE members needed a certification scheme to enable them to act as energy assessors. 

Having previously chaired the working group that the developed the Low Carbon Consultants Scheme, Bryan chaired the Board of the newly established CIBSE Certification Ltd from 2007 until his retirement last year. I commend to you the award of the Institution’s Gold Medal to Bryan Franklin. 

CIBSE Presidents Award Dinner 11th February 2022
Bryan Franklin CEng. Hon FCIBSE 

I am honoured and delighted to receive this award from our fine Institution marking my long and distinguished service as a volunteer over many years. During that time, I have been privileged to serve on and chair many of our committees including the Policy and Communications Committee, Engineering Practice Committee, and many others. Also, the development of Certification from the then Low Energy Consultants Group. That work was particularly demanding and challenging in shaping and working with government and regulatory bodies to satisfy their demands for compliance requirements. We succeeded and our work in that area continues. 

The volunteer role enabled me to represent us as a member of the Engineering Council Board for 8 years, where I chaired the Privy Council and Regulations Committee. As  Chairman of the Building Services Research and Information I advised on structural changes, business evolution and the succession process for a new Chief Executive on the retirement of Graeme Baker. Through those and other external associations we have developed a reputation as a recognised strong, independent, knowledgeable body within the construction industry.

In effect my work was a parallel career which I enjoyed and was made possible with the full support of my consultancy practice and many colleagues within CIBSE without whom that would not have been fully achievable. My thanks to you all.

I have enjoyed my CIBSE career and feel privileged to have been part of and contributed to our success over the years.

Left to right: Kevin Kelly, Ruth Carter, Olu Babalola, David Wood, Stuart MacPherson

In accepting his Gold Medal, CIBSE past-president David Wood acknowledge his 60 plus years of membership, originally joining the Institute of Heating and Ventilation Engineers in 1961. Whilst vice-president and president, David was able to visit members in several CIBSE regions, including those overseas in Australia and New Zealand. David also served as almoner and Chair of the CIBSE Benevolent Fund. David's citation was delivered by Olu Babalola MCIBSE, former chair if the CIBSE Home Counties North West region.

A Past President of CIBSE, David Wood has served HCNW Region as our Almoner since 2006, and has also chaired the CIBSE Benevolent Fund.

Under David’s leadership as Chair, the Benevolent Fund has been successful in securing continuing donations from members, and also from CIBSE Regions - including Home Counties North West, and many others. David helped establish a network of almoners throughout CIBSE’s Regions and the Fund assists over 50x members per year.

As our Region’s Almoner for 13 years, he has diligently visited CIBSE Members in need, offering them pastoral support as a professional colleague, also in many cases, financial support from the Benevolent Fund.

The Region encounters wide acknowledgement of David’s work, but it is necessarily discrete and private and personal accounts of its successes cannot be shared. Please appreciate the limitations on our citation.

David’s quiet commitment and ability to carry the emotional burden of this very human contribution, in HCNW Region is exemplary, and it now deserves the Institution’s recognition.

This brief citation cannot begin to express the valuable and often private human contribution David, and his leadership of the Fund, has brought to our Region, but we can be sure of how widely in CIBSE this award to David will be appreciated.

I was very surprised and honoured to receive the CIBSE Gold Medal - Thank you!

I joined The Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers in 1961 and have been delighted to see it grow over the past sixty years from a relatively small organisation based in Cadogan Square to the international organisation which it is today.

As Vice President and President I was privileged to visit the CIBSE Regions and always delighted by the welcome. It seemed that the further away from Balham the greater the welcome, so when I got to Australia & New Zealand the reception was amazing.

I have always found the staff at CIBSE very friendly and helpful. My sixty years as a Member and Fellow have been very enjoyable. My experience as an almoner and chairman of the CIBSE Benevolent Fund has been very rewarding.

Finally, I would like to say that I am very optimistic about the future of CIBSE under its new leadership.

David Wood

Left to right: Ruth Carter, Stuart MacPherson, Kevin Mitchell, David Hughes, Kevin Kelly

David Hughes' citation was written by Vince Arnold, referencing David's contribution to a number of CIBSE committees, including CIBSE Council and the Board. David become CIBSE president in 2006, during which time he took responsibility for international coordination and development, visint Australia, Hong Kong and China.


President, Board Members, Members of Council, CIBSE Executive and colleagues,

I have known David Hughes personally for 25 years.  In those days he was known affectionately as ‘one of the Davids’ the other being David Layzell who is still an active Fellow in the East Anglia Region.  They both mentored me in my early days as a CIBSE volunteer.

David started his career as an Apprentice in 1963 with a major design contractor; Matthew Hall.  In 1968, he completed a Higher Diploma in Environmental Engineering at the National College (now London South Bank University).  During a 25 year career with Matthew Hall, David became a Divisional Director, having responsibility for the design, co-ordination and construction of many substantial building projects throughout the UK.  In 1976, David established an expatriate multi- disciplinary office in Iran, which undertook the design and construction of projects in both Tehran and on the Caspian Sea coast.

David gained a Master of Science Degree in Architecture from University College London. He went on to join Jaros Baum & Bolles Consulting Engineers as a Director, in 1988.  He was responsible for such projects as Paternoster Square Master Planning, Barclays Bank City Head Office and the refurbishment of the Treasury in Whitehall.  He was responsible for the introduction of ‘Investors in People’ and the author of the companies CIBSE approved; Initial Professional Development Scheme for Graduates.

David joined the Institution in 1963, becoming a Fellow in 1985, and a Chartered Engineer in 1989. 

He has served on CIBSE committees for over 25 years and became our President in 2006.

David has served as Chair of Knowledge Management Committee and as Member of the following committees and panels:-

Knowledge Delivery Sub-Committee from 2013 to 2017
Technology Committee since 2011
Accreditation Panel since 2016 
Individual Case Procedure Panel since 2010
Education Training & Membership Panel since 2003

He also served as a CIBSE Board Member, Council Member and Benevolent Fund Trustee from 2003 to 2009.

David continues to provide great support to staff in both the membership and knowledge departments.  He continues as a CIBSE volunteer today.  Since 2003 he has been a Professional Review Interviewer and Technical Report Interviewer.  In addition, he is currently a key player in the development and delivery of the new Experiential Learning Route to membership and registration.

David continues to be a constant and reliable contributor to the Knowledge Management Committee; namely the Knowledge Programme and the Knowledge Delivery Sub-Committees.   In 2012, he oversaw the move to a new knowledge generation structure, and its re-structure; making it fit for the digital future.  David has also Chaired or contributed to a large number of knowledge projects, producing successful publications, notably the Operational performance of buildings Technical Memorandum; Guide B on heating; Data Centres Knowledge Series; Hot water systems Applications Manual;  Green Roofs guide; groundwater cooling Technical Memorandum and each of the entire ‘Buildings for Extreme Environments’ series.  He has also refereed a number of further titles including the Refurbishment of non-domestic premises Technical Memorandum and the Energy efficiency in commercial kitchens Technical Memorandum. 

David also contributed to Higher Education Initiatives as well as the Grades, Benefits and Subscriptions review.  Before David was President in 2006, he took responsibility for international co-ordination and development within CIBSE, a role that has taken him to Australia, Hong Kong and China, to reinforce the Institution’s strong ties with these regions.

Within the context of the Engineering Council, David sat on the Engineering Council Board for 2 terms between 2009 and 2015.  Prior to this he served on the Engineering Council Registration Standards Committee, which included a spell as Chairman.   In addition, he sat on the Engineering Council’s International Advisory Panel and was a member of the Working Group on Competence Statements and Technical Reports for the UK-SPEC. 

David continues to support the work of the Engineering Council and is currently a Liaison Officer for the Institution of Chemical Engineers where he provides support, shares best practice and monitors their accreditation work. 

To summarise, David is like a stick of Blackpool Rock.   Throughout his centre are the letters  C  I  B  S  E.

Ladies and Gentleman please join me in congratulating David Hughes on receiving our Institution’s highest Award – The CIBSE Gold Medal.

Left to right: Kevin Kelly, Ruth Carter, Olu Babalola, Stephen Lisk, Stuart MacPherson  

The first of two lighting specialists to be recognised was Past CIBSE and Society of Light and Lighting (SLL) President, Stephen Lisk FCIBSE FSLL. During his presidential year, Stephen set out to lead the various disciplines represented within building services engineering and the CIBSE membership to developing a less siloed, collaborative approach. 

Stephen Lisk, Past President of CIBSE and Past President of the Society of Light & Lighting has, overall, given the Institution 18 years of senior service and 25 years to the lighting design industry.

In SLL, he is instrumental in engaging the Society with its members and encouraging diversity. Awarded Fellowship of SLL in 2019, he later became SLL President. Always keen to encourage reflection and improvement, Stephen promoted the SLL’s Young Lighters programme, innovative design tools, human well-being and emerging technology.

After SLL, Stephen was elected to the CIBSE Board in 2009, rising to President of CIBSE in 2018. Stephen led the Institution’s positive response to the actions arising from the Grenfell Tower tragedy and the inquiry report, Building a Safer Future.

Driven by a societal perspective, eager to seek a wide range of advice by engaging with members, he supported Societies, Groups and Regions, travelling length and breadth to be there on event nights. His research into volunteering brought a special understanding of the Institution’s grass-roots, making opportunities more accessible and inclusive, and duly-recognised. In his enthusiasm to engage with members, Stephen has always reinforced the attraction of CIBSE’s larger purpose, its guiding principles, and its value to society.

Stephen’s service, diplomacy, his work to engage CIBSE members, the significant changes he brought about and the legacy of those changes, all deserve recognition. On behalf of Home Counties North West and the Society of Light and Lighting, I am delight to present Stephen Lisk with this CIBSE Gold Medal.

I am very honoured to receive this award, in the esteemed company of people that have given so much to the Institution past and present.  I would like to thank all of those who have supported me, recognition like this is rarely for just one person’s efforts. The last couple of years have been very difficult for those who have lost loved ones. A close friend of mine, and a past Secretary and President of the Society of Light and Lighting Liz Peck sadly passed away last year, and I would like to dedicate this award in her memory.

Left to right: Ruth Carter, Kevin Kelly, Mike Simpson, Stuart MacPherson  

The final 2020 - 2021 Gold Medal was awarded to Mike Simpson CEng FCIBSE FSLL, another past president of CIBSE and the SLL. Delivered by CIBSE President, Kevin Kelly, Mike's citation touches upon some of the prominent lighting projects that he has led in his role with Signify, including work on the London 2012 Olympics. It also acknowledge Mike’s ongoing contribution to the writing and development of technical standards for lighting internationally, and in developing the next generation of lighting professionals in his contribution to lighting education.

Mike Simpson has been engineering lighting installations for over 35 years and is one of the world’s leading lighters.  His technical leadership was demonstrated in spectacular fashion at the London Olympics. Here Mike played a leading role in delivering stunning lighting installations that met new technically demanding standards required for High Definition television broadcasting.  The lighting solution had to be innovative and at the same time work first time, for all the world to see, with an immovable deadline.  It required close collaboration with other engineering professions to integrate the lighting system with the structural and M&E services of the Stadium and Olympic Park. A new electronic driver for the TV lighting, produced a low frequency square wave to eliminate flicker at the 300 frames per second used by the broadcasters for Super Slow Motion HD. We all saw the stunning results in London, in Rio in 2016 and Tokyo in 2021.

Mike has undertaken prominent lighting projects enhancing many urban nightscapes: Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge and even Blackpool’s Pepsi-Max roller coaster. All were technically demanding projects needing creative engineering skills combined with appreciation of architecture and aesthetics. 

Mike is passionate about writing technical standards for lighting internationally and developing the next generation of lighting engineers, teaching on the MSc Light and Architecture course at UCL and BA Lighting Design course at Rose Bruford College. He established Ready Steady Light, an annual lighting design competition, for the Society of Light and Lighting. Mike has been President of the Society of Light and Lighting, of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) and the Institution of Lighting Engineers and is a past Master of the Worshipful Company of Lightmongers. I commend Mike Simpson to you as a CIBSE Gold Medallist.

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