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CIBSE Committees and Panels

The Institution has various committees and panels that report to the Board and Council.

These are set out below.


Purpose of Committee and frequency of meetings:

FRAG is chaired by the Honorary Treasurer of the Institution.  It meets four times a year and oversees the Institution’s financial affairs and governance.  It gives detailed consideration to Budgets, Management and Financial accounts, the Risk Register and Governance issues and brings forward reports and recommendations to the Board as required.

Terms of Reference: 

1. To provide Financial Reports to the Board of the Institution, including operating accounts, balance sheets, cash flows and appropriate commentaries.
2. To carry out Audit functions including overview of internal controls, financial reporting and audit requirements and to report to the Board accordingly.
3. To review risks facing the Institution and measures for the control of risk, and to make recommendations to the Board as necessary.
4. To monitor the operation of the Institution’s Governance arrangements and to make recommendations to the Board as necessary.
5. To consider and report to the Board on the financial implications of one off projects, new ventures and business opportunities.

Committee Membership

Les Copeland, FCIBSE, Chair
David Cooper, CEng FCIBSE, Appointed Member

Adrian Catchpole, CEng FCIBSE, Appointed Member
Ruth Kelly-Waskett, CEng MCIBSE FSLL, Appointed Member
Mike Burton MEng CEng FCIBSE HonFRIBA,  Appointed Member
Vince Arnold CEng FCIBSE, Appointed Member

Director Responsible: Desirée Blamey

CIBSE Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee - shaping the future of CIBSE and the building services profession for improved business performance.

“CIBSE members, affiliates and staff work every day to advance the art of the possible. Our product, the built environment, is shared and enjoyed by all.  We believe that an inclusive culture brings resilience, creativity and innovation – qualities that deliver both better buildings and a stronger building service engineering community. We are working hard to ensure that our organisation and profession are welcoming to all, for the benefit of all.”

This Committee and its four panels is in the process of being re-constituted and formed and more information will appear here shortly.

D&I Resources


To advise and make recommendations to the Board on:

  • All matters relating to equality, diversity and inclusion - with a view to improving awareness and performance in these areas across the CIBSE membership community
  • Partnership working with external agencies in order to understand, promote and contribute to best practice.
  • Offering support to the industry and championing best practice amongst the CIBSE and Building Services wider community and offering support on practical ways they can improve EDI within their own organisations.

Terms of Reference

  • To serve as a Standing Committee of the Board
  • To take a strategic approach to issues of equity, diversity and inclusion across the CIBSE community and the wider engineering, and built environment, communities.
  • To set targets and key performance indicators around issues of equity, diversity and inclusion across the CIBSE community and the wider engineering, and build environment, communities.
  • To work with industry experts (in both small and large firms) in order to ensure that best practice can be replicated across the CIBSE community.
  • To ensure that connections are made across other organisations and initiatives in the diversity space in order that initiatives reflect and complement existing work across engineering and the build environment. (examples include, but are not limited to, Royal Academy of Engineering’s Diversity and Inclusion team, BPIC network, Women in Engineering, SheCanEngineer and other professional institutions.
  • To advise upon, implement and embed best practice activity which has a positive impact on equity, diversity and inclusion across the CIBSE community and which will impact upon targets.
  • To ensure a co-ordinated and symbiotic approach across the CIBSE community.
  • To establish sub-panels that represent the views and needs of under-represented groups (see below).
  • To ensure that the work and priorities of the sub- panels is surfaced and forms a coherent plan.
  • To report to the Board annually and when requested, including a list of committee members and any appointments to external organisations.
  • To publicise and regularly showcase the work of inspirational building services engineers from under-represented groups

Panel Membership

Chair: Adrian Catchpole, Immediate Past President

The four sub-panels of the Committee are:

  • WIBSE - Jessica Glynn, Chair
  • Minority Ethnic Groups - Hakeem Makanju, Chair
  • LGBTQ+ - David Stevens, Chair
  • Neurodiversity - Dan Widdon, Chair

The Panel Members are:

Ted Pilbeam
Les Copland
Edith Blennerhassett
Rowan Crowley
Andrew Rowe
Jess Glynn
Rob Redfren
Kieran Thompson
Chloe Agg
Anastassia Kruglova
Laura Quinn
Kathryn King

Department: Membership

We are always looking for suggestions and ways in which we can further our work and push forward. If you have any suggestions or encouraging ideas, we would very much like to hear from you. Please contact us at: [email protected]

Purpose of Committee and frequency of meetings

The House Sub-Committee meets four times a year and additionally as the need arises.  It deals with Chief Executive targets and remuneration, senior staff remuneration and general staff conditions of service, and any other confidential matters as required by the President.

Terms of Reference

1. To agree remuneration and terms of contract in any bonus for the Chief Executive

2. To agree the Chief Executive’s targets and appraise achievements
3. To approve recommendations for Heads of Department remuneration and performance bonuses
4. To review standard staff terms and conditions, recommend or approve changes as appropriate, and consider grievances as required
5. To handle, on behalf of the Board, any other confidential matter as deemed necessary by the President
6. To report to the Board on actions undertaken

Committee Membership

The Panel is chaired by the President and includes the Immediate Past President, President-Elect and Honorary Treasurer.  The current membership is:

President – Fiona Cousins
President Elect – Vince Arnold
Honorary Treasurer – Les Copeland
Immediate Past President – Adrian Catchpole

Director Responsible: Ruth Carter, Chief Executive

Purpose of Committee and frequency of meetings

The Nominations Panel gives detailed consideration to proposals received for Institution Awards, and to potential candidates for Officer positions and for Board and Council membership. The Panel normally meets twice yearly in May and July and submits recommendations to the Board for consideration and decision.

Terms of Reference

1. To submit proposals to the Board for candidates to stand for election as Officers of the Institution.
2. To submit proposals to the Board for the award of Honorary Fellowships and the Institution's Gold Medal.
3. To submit proposals to the Board for Bronze and Silver Awards for service to the Institution,
4. To submit proposals to the Board for candidates to stand for election as members of the Board and Council.
5. To co-opt members as necessary to fulfil its objectives, such co-options being subject to review each year.
6. To seek proposals for nominations and awards by annual invitation to Standing Committees and Council Members (which will include representatives from all Regions, Societies and Groups) and from the membership at large through wide publication.

Panel Membership

The Immediate Past President chairs the Panel and includes the President, the most recent Past President not serving on the Board, three members appointed from the Council, three senior members with long experience in the Institution, and the Chair of the Inclusivity Panel.

The current panel members are:

Adrian Catchpole - Chair/Immediate Past-President
Fiona Cousins - President
Kevin Mitchell - Past-President
Tony Day - Vice-Chair
Ashley Bateson
Mary-Anne Clarke
Lynne Jack
Doug King
Stephen Lisk
Hakim Makanju
Farah Naz
Ruth Carter (non-voting)

Director Responsible: Ruth Carter, Chief Executive

Membership and Registration

Purpose of Committee and frequency of meetings

The Education Training & Membership Committee is a standing committee of CIBSE Council.

The Committee shall consist of a Chair, appointed by the Board and at least 12 members to include the Chairmen of the Registration, CIBSE Members’, Accreditation and Training & Development, Individual Case Procedure and Continuing Professional Development and Careers Panels and a representative from a Regional committee.

The committee must include at least one member who is registered as a Chartered Engineer, at least one who is registered as an Incorporated Engineer and one who is registered as an Engineering Technician.

  • A vice-Chair shall be elected from the committee membership.
  • Specialists may be co-opted, as determined by the Chair.
  • A quorum shall be no fewer than four committee members.
  • Members are appointed for one year and, normally, will serve for not longer than 5 consecutive years.
  • The committee year runs from May until April, in line with the Institution’s committee year.
  • Appropriate training will be provided for all committee members.

Terms of Reference

1. To advise the Board on policy for all matters relating to education, training, initial and continuing professional development concerning membership of those engaged in building services engineering for all grades of CIBSE membership and Engineer Registration.

2. To plan for overall membership growth and monitor performance across the area of membership recruitment and retention.

3. To appoint Panels to execute business in respect of:
i)  Membership applications
ii)  Engineering Council registration
iii)  Assessment and accreditation of qualifications, standard and non-standard
iv)  Training & Development schemes
v)  Monitoring of CPD
vi)  Careers Activities
vii)  End Point Assessment

4. To appoint on a fixed term basis Task Forces as appropriate to make recommendations with regard to specific and topical issues.

5. To appoint members to represent the Institution in the affairs of other bodies within these Terms of Reference.

6. To guide representatives and receive reports from them.

7. To advise on the promotion of membership at all grades.

Sub-Committees or Panels reporting to the Committee and their purpose

Members and Registration panel
The Individual Case Procedure Panel
The Continuing Professional Development Panel
The Training & Development Panel
The Accreditation Panel
The Talent, Pipeline and Apprenticeships Panel

Committee Membership

Chair: Andrew Rowe, CEng FCIBSE

Other Members:
George Adams, CEng FCIBSE
Caroline Cattini-Dow, CEng FCIBSE
Daniel Costelloe, CEng MCIBSE
Martin Craig, CEng MCIBSE
Mahroo Eftekhari, CEng FCIBSE
Phil Forrest, CEng MCIBSE
David Hughes, CEng FCIBSE
Tony Lamberti, CEng FCIBSE
Stephen Page, CEng MCIBSE
Simon Steed, CEng FCIBSE

Director Responsible: Director of Membership   
Department: Membership

Purpose of Committee and frequency of meetings

Three times a year.

Terms of Reference

To keep under review the present and ongoing policies on Regions and to advise the Board accordingly.

To exchange information on activities and methods of working of Regions, and to coordinate such activities where this is seen as feasible and desirable.

To transmit to the Board any matters coming to its notice which might affect the general policies of the Institution.

Committee Membership

Chair: President Elect

Committee Members:
Australia & New Zealand: Mark Davie
East Anglia: Neil Fordham
East Midlands: Mahroo Eftekhari
Home Counties North East: David Perry
Home Counties North West: Dimple Rana
Home Counties South East: Steven Peet
Home Counties South West: Ruth Tatanga
Hong Kong: Hyvan Wong 
Republic of Ireland: Stephen Weir
Merseyside & North Wales: Henry Gun-Why
Northern Ireland: Conor Gallagher
North East: Neil Rooney
North West: David Glover
Scotland: Ingrid Berkeley
South Wales: Thomas deBoeck
South West: Gonzalo Pastor Peñalba
Southern: Christopher Hodgson
West Midlands: Martin Trentham
UAE: Imran Shaikh
Yorkshire: Graham Etherington
YEN Global Chair: Erato Vasileiou

Staff Responsible: Kathryn King
Department: Networks and Engagement Team

Agreed by Education Training and Membership Committee (ET&M) on 16 September 2020

The Talent Pipeline and Apprenticeships Panel replaces the Careers Panel.

The Talent Pipeline and Apprenticeships Panel is appointed by the Education, Training & Membership Committee and shall report to it.

The Panel shall consist of a Chair, who will report to the Education, Training & Membership Committee, and up to ten further members.

Appropriate external members may be co-opted to the Panel as determined by the Chair.  A Vice-Chair shall be elected from the panel membership.

A quorum shall be no fewer than three members.

Members are appointed for one year and, normally, will serve for not longer than 5 consecutive years.

The Panel year runs from May until April, in line with the Institution’s committee year.

The Panel will normally meet three times a year.

Terms of Reference
1. To be responsible for monitoring the delivery of the Institution’s careers development strategy.
2. To be responsible for the monitoring of the delivery of the Institution’s apprenticeship, End Point Assessment and related auditing work.
3. To act as the expert panel for advising on standards and evidence for the Institution’s role in apprenticeships including End Point Assessment and auditing, where required.
4. To make recommendations to ET&M on developing the careers strategy, in the context of the Institution’s overall Strategic Plan.
5. To make recommendations to ET&M on developing the Institution’s role in apprenticeships including End Point Assessment and auditing.
6. To work in partnership with external construction and engineering careers promotion bodies and organisations
7. To work in partnership with external partners, where required, in the field of apprenticeships. 

Committee Membership

Chair: Daniel Costello, CEng MCIBSE

Other members:
Adam Fletcher, CEng MCIBSE
Jill Hoggan, IEng MCIBSE
Tony Lamberti, CEng FCIBSE
Moira Shaftoe, Engineering UK Representative
Darius Tabrizi, CEng MCIBSE
Andrew Saville, CEng HonFCIBSE, MSLL
Neil Weller, CEng FCIBSE
Peter Anderson, CEng FCIBSE
Dave Cooper, CEng FCIBSE
Mathew Stark, MEng

Angela Ringguth - Professional Development Consultant

Officer: Toni Lewis - Senior End Point Assessment Manager

Department: Membership

Purpose of Committee and frequency of meetings

The Individual Case Procedures Panel is appointed by the Education, Training and Membership Committee and shall report to it.

The Panel shall consist of a Chair, who will report to the Education, Training & Membership Committee, and up to twelve other members who are CEng registered members.

  • Specialists may be co-opted as determined by the Chair.
  • A quorum shall be three members.
  • Members are appointed for one year and, normally, will serve for not longer than 5 consecutive years.
  • Appropriate training will be provided for all panel members.
  • The Panel year runs from May until April, in line with the Institution’s committee year.

Panel meetings to review cases are held on a virtual basis; frequency is determined by number of cases received. An additional yearly face to face meeting of the Panel will normally be held for process review and training purposes.

Terms of Reference

1.  To determine criteria, for publication and for application by staff, to establish if there is justification in submitting a case for review by the Panel
2.  To be responsible for all decisions regarding non-accredited qualifications referred to the Panel, for grades of membership leading to EC registration.
3.  To assess all Technical Report Route synopses.

4. To assess candidates' eligibility to follow the Experiential Learning Route.

Committee Membership

Chair: Phil Forrest, CEng MCIBSE                             

Other Members:                    
Colin Davies, CEng FCIBSE
Rodger Edwards, CEng MCIBSE
Mike Farrell, CEng HonFCIBSE
David Hughes, CEng FCIBSE
Cheong Ming Tsoi, CEng MCIBSE
Li Shao, CEng MCIBSE
Waleed Yagoub, CEng MCIBSE

Department: Membership

Purpose of Committee and frequency of meetings

The Training & Development Panel is appointed by the Education Training & Membership Committee and shall report to it.

The Panel shall consist of a Chair, who will report to the Education, Training & Membership Committee, and up to twelve members, to include CEng and IEng registered members.

  • Specialists may be co-opted as determined by the Chair.
  • A quorum shall be no fewer than three members.
  • Members are appointed for one year and, normally, will serve for not longer than 5 consecutive years.
  • Appropriate training will be provided for all Panel members.
  • The Panel year runs from May until April, in line with the Institution’s committee year.

The Panel will normally meet twice a year with additional, virtual meetings taking place, as required, to deal with normal business.

Terms of Reference

1. To be responsible for the approval of company and individual training programmes leading to Member, Associate and Licentiate grades of membership and for assisting and supporting scheme administrators and individuals on these scheme.’

 2A. To hold a Supervisors Forum ( when appropriate ) when Company Scheme Administrators and Supervisors should attend,  to report progress and update the Panel on individual scheme development.
 B. To keep a register of which companies attend Forums and when so we can follow up with those that fail to attend.

Committee Membership

Chair: Simon Steed, CEng FCIBSE

Other Members:                    

John Barrett, Engineering Council Representative
Thomas Brady, CEng MCIBSE
David Cooper, CEng FCIBSE
Brian Goldsmith, FCIBSE
Neil Panton, CEng MCIBSE
Ted Pilbeam, IEng FCIBSE
Michael Powers, CEng FCIBSE
Sarah Pusey, CEng FCIBSE
Evangelos Rodis, CEng MCIBSE
Alisdair Russell, CEng MCIBSE
Peter Sutcliffe, CEng FCIBSE

Department: Membership

Purpose of Committee and frequency of meetings

2-3 times a year.

Terms of Reference

To advise the Board and the President on all matters relating to the professional practice of building services engineering relevant to the standing of members including:
i)  Maintaining the code of conduct, subject to Board Approval in accordance with Bylaw 14 and review it at least biennially.
ii) Administering the Disciplinary Procedures of the Institution, in accordance with Regulations 27 to 29, and the Rules for the Board and Committees.
Subject to the provisions of Rule B21 in the Rules for the Board, to appoint members to represent the Institution on Committees which determine matters of professional practice, where such representation appears to the Committee to be necessary in pursuance of the objects of the Institution.
To advise the Board on responses to enquiries from Government Departments and other bodies which concern the professional conduct of members, or their professional relationships with other members, or their professional relationships with other members of the building team of their clients.

Committee Membership

Chair: Douglas King

Other Members:

Jessica Glynn
Les Copeland
Peter Bradwell
Paul Eslinger
Neil McDonald
Pierre Olivier
Richard Seagrief
James Stocker
Robert Swayne

Director Responsible: Director of Membership  
Department: Membership

The Accreditation Panel is appointed by the Education, Training & Membership Committee and shall report to it.

The Panel shall consist of a Chair, who will report to the Education, Training & Membership Committee, and up to ten other members, to include representation from both CEng and IEng registered members.

  • Specialists may be co-opted as determined by the Chair.
  • A quorum shall be no fewer than three members.
  • Members are appointed for one year and, normally, will serve for no longer than 5 consecutive years.
  • Appropriate training will be provided for all Panel members.
  • The Panel year runs from May until April, in line with the Institution’s committee year.

Terms of Reference

To be responsible for advising ET&M on policy issues relating to the educational base for all EC registration grades of CIBSE membership.

To consider applications for the accreditation of, and where appropriate approve for recommendation to ET&M and the Engineering Council, qualifications for all grades of membership.

To consider applications for the accreditation of, and where appropriate approve for recommendation to ET&M and the Engineering Council, suitable further learning programmes for CEng and IEng.

To consider applications for the approval of Level 3 qualifications, and where appropriate approve for recommendation to ET&M and EC, for EngTech registration.

To strategically support the EC and CIBSE in continually improving the educational base for registration and membership.

To respond to consultations on the provision of the educational base for all EC registration grades of CIBSE membership.

Committee Membership

Interim Chair: Mahroo Eftekhari, CEng FCIBSE

Other Members    
John Barrett, Engineering Council Representative
Timothy Dwyer, CEng FCIBSE
Abigail Hathway, CEng MCIBSE
Steven Hunt, IEng FCIBSE
Lynne Jack, CEng, FCIBSE FSoPHE
Laura Mansel-Thomas, CEng FCIBSE
Bobo Ng, CEng MIBSE
Tony Sung, CEng FCIBSE
Simon Wright, IEng MCIBSE
Ahmed Zooba, CEng FCIBSE

Department: Membership

The Continuing Professional Development Panel is appointed by the Education, Training & Membership Committee and shall report to it.

The Panel shall consist of a Chair, who will report to the Education, Training & Membership Committee, and up to twelve other members. All sections of the EC Register will be represented.

  • Specialists may be co-opted as determined by the Chair.
  • A quorum shall be no fewer than three members.
  • Members are appointed for one year and, normally, will serve for not longer than 5 consecutive years.
  • Appropriate training will be provided for all Panel members.

The Panel year runs from May until April, in line with the Institution’s committee year.

The Panel will normally meet twice year with additional, virtual meetings taking place, as required, to deal with routine monitoring of members’ CPD activities.

Terms of Reference

1. To be responsible for the monitoring of CPD activities of Licentiates, Associates, Members and Fellows, in accordance with CIBSE policy and EC requirements.

2. To co-ordinate the promotion of the benefits of CPD to the membership

3. To undertake periodic monitoring of approved CPD providers and assess applications for approved status.

Committee Membership

Chair: Stephen Page CEng MCIBSE

Other Members:
Dan Lister FSLL
Expedito Resma CEng MCIBSE IntPE
Jennifer Sinclair CEng MCIBSE
John Aston FSLL
Dr Khalid Eissa CEng FCIBSE
Man Wing Chan CEng FCIBSE 
Nelson Thomas CEng MCIBSE 
Stephen Hennessy CEng FCIBSE MSLL

Department: Membership

Purpose of Committee and frequency of meetings

The Registration and Members’ Panel is appointed by the Education, Training and Membership Committee and shall report to it.

The Panel shall consist of a Chair who will report to the Education Training & Membership committee, 2 Vice Chairs and at least 12 members plus an Engineering Council Liaison Officer.  All sections of the Engineering Council Register must be represented on the Panel. Specialists may be co-opted, as determined by the Chair.

The Panel meetings to review cases are held on a virtual basis; frequency is determined by number of cases received. Additionally, two face to face meetings of the Panel will normally be held to review applications received at the 1st February and 1st August closing dates. At these meetings items of policy may also be raised and training given.

  • Meetings will normally be chaired either by the Panel Chair or a Vice Chair
  • A quorum shall be no fewer than four members.
  • Members are appointed for one year and, normally, will serve for not longer than 5 consecutive years.
  • Appropriate training will be provided for all Panel members.
  • The Panel year runs from May until April, in line with the Institution’s committee year.

Terms of Reference

  1. To make all decisions relating to applicants for registration with the Engineering Council for CEng, IEng and EngTech

  2. To make decisions relating to applications for CIBSE Membership (Fellow; Member; Associate; Licentiate; Graduate; Companion)

  3. To note the removal of members through death, resignation, lapsing or non-payment of subscriptions

Committee Membership

Chair: Tony Lamberti

Vice Chairs: 
Jennifer Bousfield
Geraldine O'Farrell

Other Members: 
Vince Arnold
Caroline Cattini
Jovian Cheung
Tse Ming Chung
Isaac Coker
Martin Craig
John Dallimore
Martin Hicks
Kavita Kumari
Herbert Lam
Martin Layzell 
Stuart Marshall 
Paul Naish
Barbara Ramos
Peter Westmore

Department: Membership

Knowledge and Technical

Purpose of Committee

The Knowledge Management Committee (KMC) is a Standing Committee of the Board responsible for implementing the knowledge strategy of the Institution. KMC is responsible for the development and maintenance of CIBSE knowledge and for management and financial control of the delivery and peer review process. It is responsible for measuring and assessing the value and impacts of CIBSE Knowledge outputs on all subjects and in all formats. KMC is also responsible for managing the CIBSE Research Fund and for engaging a broader cross-section of CIBSE’s global membership in knowledge delivery.

The functions of KMC are supported and informed by the Knowledge Generation Panel (KGP).

Terms of Reference

  1. To oversee the development, maintenance and resourcing of CIBSE guidance to satisfy the Charter and Charitable objectives to promote the art and science of building services, and to make recommendations to the Board on matters within its remit.
  2. To deliver the knowledge strategy and priorities of the Institution.
  3. To oversee quality management and the peer review process.
  4. To oversee the CIBSE Research Fund and the Richard Tully Fund.
  5. To seek contributions to the work of the committee from all relevant sources within the Institution, in particular international and interdisciplinary sources.
  6. To exercise financial oversight of knowledge management activities, having regard to the income and expenditure implications of their actions and subject to approved budget.
  7. To measure the impact and return on investment of new knowledge outputs of all types, from download and sales figures, to user satisfaction metrics

Committee Constitution

Committee members should represent a range of ages, genders, backgrounds, experience and expertise, and include participation from different sectors and specialisms involved in the performance of buildings throughout their whole lifecycle.

  • KMC comprises up to 9 members. Additional members may be co-opted to support specific projects. 
  • Members are appointed for a three-year period. At the end of this period they may be reappointed for a further three-year period, however, a balance between retaining expertise and bringing in fresh ideas is sought. 
  • The Chair of the Committee is appointed by the CIBSE Board for a three-year term.
  • The Board is also responsible for appointing members of KMC but may delegate this responsibility to the Committee itself.

​Member Appointment

To be considered for appointment to KMC, applicants should normally be in full CIBSE membership and must be able to commit their time to participate in meetings, either in person or remotely. Applications from affiliate members or non-members will be considered by exception.

Attributes of members include:

  • Enthusiasm for championing all aspects of building performance.
  • Awareness of sector knowledge needs and the latest developments in industry.
  • Experience of programme management, strategic decision making and financial control.
  • Experience of using or contributing to CIBSE knowledge, guidance and research.

Application to join the Committee requires submission of a CV and short personal statement.


  • KMC will meet four times a year and virtual meeting facilities will be available.
  • The Committee will be supported by the CIBSE Knowledge and Technical staff.

Committee Membership

Ted Pilbeam, VolkerFitzpatrick

Other Members
Eimear Moloney, Hoare Lea
Kevin Stubbs, Lumarlite
Roger Hitchin, Independent Consultant
Simon Wyatt, Cundall
Anna Mavrogianni, UCL
David Stevens, (East London NHS Foundation Trust) (Board liaison)

Directors responsible: Simon Parker and Anastasia Mylona
Department: CIBSE Services and Technical

New Proposals for Knowledge

New project proposals should be made to CIBSE for consideration in the CIBSE Knowledge generation process. More information is available on the Knowledge Generation page

Purpose of Panel

The Knowledge Generation Panel is responsible for identifying the future knowledge requirements of the Institution and for recommending new knowledge development projects, which may include updating current guidance, to the committee. The Panel should be drawn from a wide cross section of the membership in terms of discipline, location and diversity of those involved.

The activities of the Knowledge Generation Panel support the functions of the Knowledge Management Committee.

Terms of Reference

  1. To review the core content of CIBSE Knowledge and to develop a prioritised timetable and programme for review and update of that content.
  2. To consider the requirements for new CIBSE Knowledge, taking into account both the objective need for the information and the likely market and demand for that information.
  3. ​To identify and recommend priorities for projects to support the production of new content for the Knowledge Portal, in liaison with the Technology Committee, the Education, Training & Membership Committee and the Groups and Divisions of the Institution.
  4. ​To recommend proposals for the support of projects through the CIBSE Research Fund and the Richard Tully Fund to the Knowledge Management Committee.

Committee Constitution

Committee members should represent a range of ages, genders, backgrounds, experience and expertise, and include participation from different sectors and specialisms involved in the performance of buildings throughout their whole lifecycle.

  • The Knowledge Generation Panel comprises around 20 members. 
  • Members are appointed for a three-year period. At the end of this period, they may be reappointed for a further three-year period, however, a balance between retaining expertise and bringing in fresh ideas is sought. 
  • The Board is responsible for appointing members of the panel but may delegate this responsibility to the Knowledge Management Committee.
  • The Chair of the panel is normally appointed by the Knowledge Management Committee.

Member Appointment

To be considered for appointment to the Knowledge Generation Panel, applicants should normally be in full membership of CIBSE or of one of the Divisions or Societies and must be able to commit their time to participate in meetings, either in person or remotely. Applications from affiliate members or non-members will be considered by exception.

Attributes of members include:

  • Enthusiasm for championing all aspects of building performance.
  • Awareness of sector knowledge needs and the latest developments in industry.
  • Creative thinking about knowledge creation and delivery and a collaborative mindset.
  • Experience of using or contributing to CIBSE knowledge, guidance and research.

Application to join the Committee requires submission of a CV and a short personal statement.


  • The Knowledge Generation Panel will meet two times a year, usually at the CIBSE Technical Symposium (Spring) and Build2Perform Live (Autumn). In between those meetings, the panel will work remotely using online collaborative tools and virtual meetings.
  • The Committee will be supported by the CIBSE Knowledge and Technical staff.

Panel Membership

Simon Wyatt, Cundall

Briony Turner, European Space Agency

Other Members:
Adam Daulby, AECOM
Adam Tyler, Lancaster U
Aida Kelly, XC02
Amad Kayani, Foster & Partners
Andrew Krebs, Sweco
Anna Mavrogianni, UCL
Antonietta Canta. Arup
Becci Taylor, Arup
Ben Stroud, OCDEA Passivhaus
Caroline Cattini, Historic England
Chris Edwards, ECA
Chris Iddon, Nottingham U
Chuan Lim, Foster & Partners
Clara Bagenal George, Introba
Clare Murray, Levitt Bernstein
Curtis Gubb, Cundall
Darren Coppins, Built Physics
David Black, Flaktgroup
Dejan Mumovic, UCL
Derek Clements-Croome, Reading U
Dzhordzhio Naldzhiev, UCL
Edwin Wealend, Longevity Partners
Eleonora Brembilla, TU Delft
Emma Gibbons, UCL
Hannah Muller-Jones, Buro Happold
Helen Newman, Fabrix
Isabelle Smith, Atkins
Jassim Daureeawo, Vortex
Jennifer Cox, Aecom
Keith Horsley, Beca
Kevin Yin, EOC Engineers
Kristina Allison, Atkins
Lauma Balina, Max Fordham
Lizzy Pettitt, KLH Sustainability
Luke Osborne, Electrical Safety First
Marcella Ucci, UCL
Marianne Heaslip, URBED
Mark Dowson, JLL
Matt Eames, Exeter U
Mehdi Shahrastani, Reading U
Milena Stojkovic, Foster + Partners
Paul Woods 
Richard Smith, Carbon Smith
Sani Dimitroulopoulou, PHE
Sébastien Loreau , UC Louvain
Sophie Parry, TRILUX Lighting Ltd
Suzana Zekic, Imtech
Tim Benstead, Tim Benstead Associates
Tony Day, independent consultant
Will Stevens, Interface Facades
Yangang Xing, Nottingham Trent University

Director Responsible: Simon Parker
Department: CIBSE Services

Purpose of Committee and frequency of meetings

The Technology Committee is a Standing Committee of the Institution. It has the overall responsibility for providing understanding, clarification and validation of the fundamental technical basis of building services engineering and for overseeing the policy work of the Institution. The Committee meets three times a year, usually in February, June and October.

Terms of Reference

  • To oversee engineering policy and make recommendations to the Board on matters within its remit.
  • To generate Institution Position Statements for Board approval.
  • To oversee the preparation of timely responses to consultation documents (including documents produced by other professional bodies, standards organisations and government).
  • Subject to the provisions of Rule B21 in the Rules for the Board, to appoint and brief representatives where appropriate to contribute to and/or report on technical policy and publication activities of other organisations.
  • To make recommendations to the Board regarding the Carter and Napier Shaw Bronze Medals for published and/or presented papers.
  • To seek contributions to the work of the committee from all relevant international and interdisciplinary sources within the institution.


The Institution seeks participation from all CIBSE interest areas. Members of Technology Committee should be drawn from a range of age, gender, background, experience and expertise, and should include participation from a range of sectors and interest groups in the UK and overseas e.g. Industry, Manufacturing, Project Management, Finance, Research, Academia.

The Technology Committee shall comprise at least 9 and no more than 15 members, including the Chair. The Committee may co-opt no more than three additional members to assist in specific matters. Co-opted members shall serve for so long as the particular matter is on the agenda of the committee and they shall not have a vote. 

Members of the Technology Committee are initially appointed for a three year period. At the end of this period they can be re-appointed for a further three year term. It is desirable that new members be added regularly to the Committee to bring in new ideas and expertise, however, it is equally desirable to retain expertise.

Members attributes

To be considered for appointment to the Technology Committee applicants should normally be in CIBSE membership and must be able to commit their time to participate in meetings, either in person or remotely. Members will also be asked to read circulated papers to allow informed decision making and to comment on draft documents as and when required. 

Attributes of Members of the Technology Committee:

  • Knowledge of legislation affecting the building services sector and experience of using a range of national and international standards;
  • Experience of contributing to legislative and policy-making processes;
  • Awareness of future trends and policy developments likely to affect the sector and their impact on CIBSE members in their various roles, and also some awareness of current research activity.

For more information about the Technology Committee please refer to the Technology Committee Manual.

Committee Membership

Chair:  Robert Redfern, Tesco Stores Ltd

Douglas Baldock, Laing O'Rourke MEP - Crown House Technologies
Stephen Chapman, Atkins
Richard Daniels, Department For Education
Daniel Dominguez Moreno, NG Bailey
Chris Forster, Turntown
Susan Hone Brookes, MTC Limited
Leon Markwell, IET
Rikesh Patel, Arcadis
Federico Seguro, IES
Peter Thorns, ZG Lighting Limited
Luke Yates-Mayo, Service Design Solution
Laura Mansel-Thomas, Ingleton Wood LLP (Board liaison)

Director Responsible: Anastasia Mylona
Department: Technical

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