Energy Efficient Variable Flow Systems
The presentation will focus on the design and operation of variable flow systems. Emphasis will be placed on the following:- Variable flow system design considerations, Correct use & application of commissioning products, The application and positioning of differential pressure control valves (DPCV’s), The correct selection and operation of thermostatic radiator valves (TRV’s), The use of pressure independent control valves (PICV’s), The correct solutions for UFH systems, DB (Dynamic Balancing) Technology discussions, 2 Port control valve authority, How to improve system commission ability, How to reduce operational running costs, How to maximize capital cost savings, How to reduce back end commissioning time & costs.
Re Defining HIU & Heat Network Efficiencies
The presentation focuses on the design and operation of HIU systems. Emphasis will be placed on the following:- HIU selection, space HTG type, DHW sizing. Space HTG & DHW diversity considerations. Peak load calculations, plant sizing. Energy source reductions. Primary network temperature control & management. Secondary system balance & control. Heat network visibility, control and monitoring. Energy cost reductions and savings. HIUs: We are taking a closer look at how a Heat Interface Unit works, what to look for when choosing a HIU for your system and how to get the most out of your heat network.
Energy Efficient UFH for Future Buildings
Underfloor Heating – The History
Why Underfloor Heating should be used in modern buildings
Regulations (Part L) and the impact on Carbon Neutrality
Floor Construction types
Insulation Advances
Pipe types and applications
Manifolds types
Flow Control
Controls advances
How Data Driven Hydronic Shape Building Performance
Topics that will be discussed during the seminar will be,
The current landscape (connected devices).
Past, present and future of balancing 4 pipe systems.
6-way valves, how they work & where to apply them.
An introduction to data driven hydronic networking.
What is Dynamx and how does it work.
Digital flow verification.
Benefits of going glycol free & how to stop freezing.
The benefits of a pre-commissioned ‘visible’ device.
Filling & flushing.
Case studies.
Summary features & benefits of data driven hydronics.
How to improve system commissionability using data driven valves.
How to reduce operational running costs using data driven valves.
How to maximise CAPEX & OPEX savings using data driven valves.
How to reduce back end commissioning time & costs using data driven valves.
- Energy Efficiency
- Mechanical
- Sustainability
Gavin Welsman - Sales Director Giacomini UK Ltd. Gavin has been in the HVAC industry 24 years. Initially studying gas technology at the City of Westminster. After a number of years in the industry Gavin furthered his knowledge, spending 10 years with a renewables company and later with manufacturers as a Project Director responsible for overseeing HVAC contracts throughout the UK . Gavin is now the Sales Director at Giacomini UK LTD.
- Europe