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CIBSE Scotland Conference 2024 – Retrofit2Perform

CIBSE Scotland’s annual conference addressed the challenges associated with retrofitting our existing building stock and the opportunities this presents for building services and built environment professionals to move the retrofit challenge forward at pace and scale.

CIBSE Scotland annual conference 2024

Relive the CIBSE Scotland 2024 annual conference on 'Retrofit2Perform'


Retrofit2Perform presentations

Use the dropdown menu below to download the presentations from the conference.

Delivered by Lindsay Adams (Senior Engineer, Arup) and Harry Sharples (Principal Building Performance Engineer, AECOM).

There is an increasing amount of guidance and targets available for energy and carbon to achieve UK net zero decarbonisation, but the challenge of retrofitting means there are constraints on delivering to these targets for a majority of existing buildings.  The latest LETI Climate design guide for non-domestic retrofits attempts to outline and address this.  During this talk a number of retrofit scenarios are discussed with corresponding EUI targets that have been tested using simulation modelling, acknowledging the challenges and limitations present in retrofit design.  This presentation will outline the approaches that should be taken towards design, but also challenges the basis of design and approaches to operation of assets to meet these targets.

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Delivered by Karen Pickering (Estate Development Manager, University of Edinburgh).

Karen will be talking about the projects she is involved with, focusing on refurbishment and low carbon design, and how these projects can help with the University’s route to be net zero by 2040.

These include the refurbishment of Teviot Row House, the University’s listed student union building; the redevelopment of Edinburgh College of Art, which includes the conversion of the listed Lauriston Fire Station into academic workspace; and the refurbishment of the Category A listed 40 George Square tower.

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Delivered by Laura Baron (Head of Sustainability, Purcell).

With the climate crisis representing the single greatest challenge facing our generation, bold and ambitious action is needed to unlock the potential in our built heritage. The adaptation of historic buildings to reduce carbon emissions and build climate resilience, is fundamental to securing these important cultural assets for future generations. In collaboration with the City of London Corporation, Purcell have developed a Heritage Building Retrofit Toolkit to collate best practice principles and help galvanise action across the Square Mile. Laura will share this research, alongside several case studies that showcase how to approach retrofitting historically significant buildings.

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Delivered by Caitriona Jordan (Head of Retrofit Programmes, Built Environment-Smarter Transformation).

Caitriona will provide an over of BE-ST and the National Retrofit Centre and discuss the deep retrofit they have planned for the A Lab and the learning journey they wish to share with industry.

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Delivered by Kerry Alexander (Director, Infrastructure Finance and Programmes, Scottish Futures Trust).

Kerry Alexander is the Director for Infrastructure Finance and Programmes at Scottish Futures Trust. Kerry leads SFT’s work on the design and delivery of infrastructure investment approaches using public funding and financing levers. This work supports attracting private sector investment to deliver the infrastructure Scotland needs for its transition to net zero.

Kerry’s work includes leadership of SFT’s Learning Estate team who are managing Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Investment Programme driving outcomes on estate condition and energy efficiency, and the Net Zero Buildings and Transport teams where the priorities are decarbonisation of heat and pathways to net zero infrastructure.

Kerry joined SFT in 2012 from a professional services firm and is a chartered accountant with over 20 years' experience in public and private roles supporting infrastructure investment.

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Delivered by Sarah Peterson (Director, Horizon M&E and ACE Scotland Chair).

Sarah will present on the challenges of setting a pathway to decarbonise an existing campus of buildings.  This will include the technical challenges of dealing with buildings of different systems, ages and constructions along with the impact of funding provisions.

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Delivered by David O’Donnell (Associate Director, Heat Decarbonisation, Ricardo) and Jess Grant (Principal Engineer, WSP).

The Heat Networks (Scotland) Act sets ambitious targets for heat networks to supply 8% of Scotland’s heat by 2030. Some of this will be new build, but a large percentage will involve the retrofit of our existing estate onto thermal networks.

Zoning will be one of the government’s key tools in facilitating this, targeting large scale utility networks in areas where they will be the lowest cost method for low carbon heating. This will lead to building owners, estates & FM teams and designers being aware that a building will likely connect to a network in the near future. We present an approach as to how these parties can best understand and respond to this potential, and what practical measures can be taken with a no-regrets mindset to maximise the lifecycle cost opportunities of these low carbon networks. Various case studies will illustrate the typical interventions we would expect to see to support heat network connection.

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Delivered by Andrew McQuatt (Principal Engineer/Partner, Max Fordham).

Max Fordham conducted three research projects between the winters of 2021 and 2023 on behalf of Historic England. These projects aimed to learn from the installation of air, ground, and water source heat pumps in historic buildings across England, Wales, and Scotland. This presentation will provide an overview of the key findings from the twenty case studies across all three of the projects.

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