The group provides:
- Biannual Industry events held in person and online to inform knowledge and understanding of current issues the committee see emerging in the market
- Recommendations and proposals to CIBSE for future technical publications and steering group participation on these publications
- A consolidated response from the group to key government consultations and emerging legislation
- A technical sounding board to CIBSE on topics related to housing
We regularly review our main areas of interest and focus at our quarterly committee meetings. Currently these include:
- Low carbon energy strategies and services for new and refurbished homes, and their integration with overall fabric and design
- Energy efficiency and affordability of our homes
- Simplicity and maintainability of the fabric and the systems serving new and existing low energy homes
- Decarbonisation of heat and power, the availability and capacity of low carbon electricity and the electrification of heat
- Heat Network Zoning: the implications for urban housing
- Planning for net zero
- Delivering homes that help people to thrive
- Time of use and effective intelligent control to drive lowest cost, lowest carbon outcomes