The 2019 ASHRAE Handbook — HVAC Applications (SI Units) comprises 65 chapters covering a broad range of facilities and topics, written to help engineers design and use equipment and systems described in other Handbook volumes. Main sections cover comfort, industrial, energy-related, general applications, and building operations and management. ASHRAE Technical Committees in each subject area have reviewed all chapters and revised them as needed for current technology and design practice.
Full and associate ASHRAE members can download Handbook PDFs in I-P or SI units by going to technologyportal.ashrae.org. Nonmembers can purchase these PDFs at the same location, or purchase individual chapter PDFs from ashrae.org/bookstore.
This edition includes three new chapters:
Chapter 6, Indoor Swimming Pools
Chapter 59, Indoor Airflow Modeling
Chapter 65, Occupant-Centric Sensing and Controls
Other particularly notable highlights include the following:
Ch 8, Educational Facilities, provides updated design criteria, and a new section on central plant optimization for higher education campuses and educational facilities for students with disabilities.
Ch. 9, Health Care Facilities, has been extensively rewritten to address current health care requirements.
Ch. 16, Enclosed Vehicular Facilities, has new material on parking garage ventilation and updated ventilation flow rates.
Ch. 20, Data Centers and Telecommunication Facilities, includes updates to reflect the current ASHRAE Datacom series, and text updates to reflect changes in the industry and new technologies such as PoE lighting and lithium-ion batteries.
Ch. 34, Kitchen Ventilation, now discusses solid-fuel cooking, and life-cycle cost analysis, with updates from research and SSPC 154.
Ch. 35, Geothermal Energy, has new content on direct exchange systems and pressure considerations for deep boreholes, calculation methods for design, and an updated example.
Ch. 36, Solar Energy, added updated guidance on solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic applications, with new information on design and performance of photovoltaic systems and on installation and operation guidelines for photovoltaic systems, with new practical examples
Ch. 40, Operation and Maintenance Management, has been extensively rewritten to address current best practices
Ch. 41, Computer Applications, was extensively rewritten to more directly focus on immediate concerns of HVAC engineers
Ch. 51, Service Water Heating, added discussion of water heater redundancy in large systems, and has updated information about new uniform energy factor (UEF) ratings, diversified electrical demand of whole-house/large tankless electric water heaters, and a new figure describing recommended tank and plumbing layout for heat pump water heater (HPWH) systems, showing series/parallel arrangement of HPWH and conventional water heaters.
Ch. 52, Snow Melting, added guidance for recommended values by application type and for concrete strength and maximum temperature difference, as well as discussion of new research.
Ch. 54, Fire and Smoke Control, has new sections on balanced approach and smoke feedback, plus extensively revised discussion of dampers, pressurization system design, and stairwells with open doors.
Ch. 60, Integrated Building Design, has been completely rewritten to give more detail on IBD process.
Ch. 64, Mold and Moisture, revised the order of risk factors for mold to better reflect their relative importance, and added information from ASHRAE research project RP-1712 to advise on components and configuration of dedicated outdoor air (DOAS) systems to help avoid mold growth in schools, universities, and military barracks during extended periods of unoccupied-mode HVAC operation.
This volume is published as a bound print volume and in electronic format as a downloadable PDF and online, in two editions: one using inch-pound (I-P) units of measurement, the other using the International System of Units (SI).
Corrections to the 2016, 2017, and 2018 Handbook volumes can be found on the ASHRAE web site at http://www.ashrae.org.
Full and associate ASHRAE members can download Handbook PDFs in I-P or SI units by going to technologyportal.ashrae.org. Nonmembers can purchase these PDFs at the same location, or purchase individual chapter PDFs from ashrae.org/bookstore.
This edition includes three new chapters:
Chapter 6, Indoor Swimming Pools
Chapter 59, Indoor Airflow Modeling
Chapter 65, Occupant-Centric Sensing and Controls
Other particularly notable highlights include the following:
Ch 8, Educational Facilities, provides updated design criteria, and a new section on central plant optimization for higher education campuses and educational facilities for students with disabilities.
Ch. 9, Health Care Facilities, has been extensively rewritten to address current health care requirements.
Ch. 16, Enclosed Vehicular Facilities, has new material on parking garage ventilation and updated ventilation flow rates.
Ch. 20, Data Centers and Telecommunication Facilities, includes updates to reflect the current ASHRAE Datacom series, and text updates to reflect changes in the industry and new technologies such as PoE lighting and lithium-ion batteries.
Ch. 34, Kitchen Ventilation, now discusses solid-fuel cooking, and life-cycle cost analysis, with updates from research and SSPC 154.
Ch. 35, Geothermal Energy, has new content on direct exchange systems and pressure considerations for deep boreholes, calculation methods for design, and an updated example.
Ch. 36, Solar Energy, added updated guidance on solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic applications, with new information on design and performance of photovoltaic systems and on installation and operation guidelines for photovoltaic systems, with new practical examples
Ch. 40, Operation and Maintenance Management, has been extensively rewritten to address current best practices
Ch. 41, Computer Applications, was extensively rewritten to more directly focus on immediate concerns of HVAC engineers
Ch. 51, Service Water Heating, added discussion of water heater redundancy in large systems, and has updated information about new uniform energy factor (UEF) ratings, diversified electrical demand of whole-house/large tankless electric water heaters, and a new figure describing recommended tank and plumbing layout for heat pump water heater (HPWH) systems, showing series/parallel arrangement of HPWH and conventional water heaters.
Ch. 52, Snow Melting, added guidance for recommended values by application type and for concrete strength and maximum temperature difference, as well as discussion of new research.
Ch. 54, Fire and Smoke Control, has new sections on balanced approach and smoke feedback, plus extensively revised discussion of dampers, pressurization system design, and stairwells with open doors.
Ch. 60, Integrated Building Design, has been completely rewritten to give more detail on IBD process.
Ch. 64, Mold and Moisture, revised the order of risk factors for mold to better reflect their relative importance, and added information from ASHRAE research project RP-1712 to advise on components and configuration of dedicated outdoor air (DOAS) systems to help avoid mold growth in schools, universities, and military barracks during extended periods of unoccupied-mode HVAC operation.
This volume is published as a bound print volume and in electronic format as a downloadable PDF and online, in two editions: one using inch-pound (I-P) units of measurement, the other using the International System of Units (SI).
Corrections to the 2016, 2017, and 2018 Handbook volumes can be found on the ASHRAE web site at http://www.ashrae.org.