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The CIBSE Embodied Carbon Calculator: United Kingdom complements the CIBSE publication Embodied carbon in building services: a calculation methodology (TM65), and is intended to support consultants, researchers and manufacturers in assessing the embodied carbon of building services equipment where no environmental product declaration is available.
To hear more about the Embodied Carbon Calculator from its developer, see the launch webinar here:
#GrowYourKnowledge - The CIBSE Embodied Carbon Calculator
The CIBSE embodied carbon methodology now includes several publications, digital tools, and free-to-all data-gathering forms. All of these can be accessed from www.cibse.org/tm65.
Beta v1: 7th February 2022
Beta v1.1: 30th May 2022 (corrections made to cell protections)
Beta v1.2: 26th October 2022 ('Embodied Carbon Calculator' renamed as 'Embodied Carbon Calculator: United Kingdom')
Beta v1.3: 20th June 2023 (materials list expanded; improvements made to cell validations)
Beta v1.4: 24th January 2024 (corrections made to cells related to printed circuit board)
Beta v1.5: 11th June 2024 (protections altered to allow users to add sheets)
Developed by Carl Collins (CIBSE)
Based on TM65 Embodied carbon in building services: a calculation methodology, authored by Louise Hamot and Clara Bagenal George (Elementa Consulting Ltd.)
Beta Testers Louise Hamot (Elementa Consulting Ltd.), Clara Bagenal George (Elementa Consulting Ltd.), Roger Sexton (Stoane Lighting), Isabelle Smith (Atkins), Aidan Kelly (XCO2), Shane Orme (WSP), Simon Wyatt (Cundall), Julie Godefroy (CIBSE)