A Corrigendum to Guide F has been issued in August 2016 which is available to download here. This makes corrections to pages 20-10 and 11 to Tables 20.14 to 20.17. The Corrigendum has been incorporated in the revised pdf. Future purchasers of the hard copy will receive the Corrigendum with the book.
Since the last edition of CIBSE Guide F, published in 2004, the UK Government has set a legally binding target to reduce national greenhouse gas emissions. The Government’s latest Carbon Plan sets out specific targets for improving the energy efficiency in new and existing buildings. There have also been significant regulatory changes over the last eight years, including two revisions to Part L of the Building Regulations and the transposition of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive into UK legislation. The next two revisions of Part L will push for further improvements in energy efficiency to progress towards the Government’s aspiration for all new buildings to be zero carbon by 2019.
This 2012 edition of CIBSE Guide F includes a new section on ‘developing an energy strategy’. This reflects the changes to planning policy, which now include targets for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from new developments and the need to submit a detailed energy strategy report as part of the planning application.
Energy management has moved up the corporate agenda, aided by the work of the Carbon Trust and the implementation of the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme. Part B of this Guide (covering the operation of the building) has been updated to include more information about carbon management, and the need for improved metering and monitoring.
In addition, the section on energy efficient refurbishment has been expanded in recognition of the pressing need to upgrade the existing building stock and the opportunities to improve performance.
This edition incorporates the new and revised guidance that has been published since 2004. This includes key CIBSE documents and publications by the Carbon Trust and BSRIA. These key references have informed many of the updates and are referenced throughout the Guide.
A new companion document to the Guide, titled Introduction to energy efficiency, is also avalable on the Knowledge Portal that introduces the main Guide and summarises the current policy agenda; the changing role of building services engineers, and the key themes of Guide F.
1 Introduction
1.0 Objectives and scope
1.1 Energy efficiency drivers
1.2 How to use this Guide
Part A: Designing the building energy design checklist
2 The design process
2.0 General
2.1 Stages in the design process
2.2 The design team
2.3 The energy efficient brief
2.4 The design contract
2.5 Equipment selection
3 Developing a design strategy
3.0 General
3.1 Integrating fabric and services
3.2 Integrating services
3.3 Minimising requirements for services
3.4 Integrating human factors
4 Developing an energy strategy
4.0 Energy and low carbon strategy
4.1 Definition of zero carbon
4.2 Building Regulations Approved Document L2
4.3 Planning policy
4.4 Energy strategy reports in support of planning applications
4.5 Hierarchy for developing an energy strategy
4.6 Low and zero carbon technology options
4.7 Low and zero carbon technologies
4.8 Energy metering
5 Concept design
5.0 General
5.1 Site considerations
5.2 Built form
5.3 Services
5.4 Summary
6 Control strategies
6.0 General
6.1 Developing a strategy
6.2 Strategic control functions
6.3 Building energy management systems
6.4 Occupant controls
7 Ventilation and air conditioning design
7.0 General
7.1 Natural ventilation
7.2 Mechanical ventilation and air conditioning
7.3 Efficient air conditioning systems
7.4 Ventilation and air conditioning controls
8 Refrigeration design
8.0 General
8.1 Reducing demand for cooling
8.2 Designing energy efficient systems
8.3 Refrigeration efficiency
8.4 Primary plant
8.5 Distribution systems
8.6 Controls
9 Lighting design
9.0 General
9.1 Design objectives
9.2 Selecting luminaires
9.3 Selecting light sources
9.4 Control gear (ballasts)
9.5 Lighting controls
10 Heating and hot water design
10.0 General
10.1 Primary plant
10.2 Distribution systems
10.3 Controls
10.4 Energy consumption
10.5 Domestic heating
11 Motors and building transportation systems
11.0 General
11.1 Minimising the motor load
11.2 Motor sizing and selection
11.3 Motor drives
11.4 Controlling the motor load
11.5 Building transportation systems
12 Electrical power systems and office equipment
12.0 General
12.1 Large power users
12.2 Office equipment
12.3 Energy consumption
12.4 Heat gains and air conditioning
13 Checking the design
13.0 General
13.1 Checking internal loads and heat gains
13.2 Checking against energy targets
13.3 Checking against environmental targets
14 Commissioning, handover and feedback
14.0 General
14.1 On-site checks
14.2 The commissioning process
14.3 Handover and feedback
14.4 Documenting the building
14.5 Post-occupancy evaluation and feedback
Part B: Operating and upgrading the building — Why buildings fail on energy
15 Managing the building
15.0 General
15.1 Understanding the building
15.2 Developing an energy management strategy
15.3 Management structures
15.4 Occupant involvement
16 Acquisition and refurbishment
16.0 Acquiring a new or existing building
16.1 Refurbishing existing buildings
16.2 Energy efficient refurbishment
16.3 Building Regulations and refurbishment
16.4 Levels of refurbishment
16.5 Refurbishment measures
17 Maintenance and energy efficiency
17.0 General
17.1 Air conditioning inspections
17.2 Planning maintenance
17.3 Maintenance contracts
17.4 Monitoring maintenance
17.5 Checklist for maintenance and energy efficiency
Appendix 17.A1: Checklist for energy related maintenance issues
18 Energy audits and surveys
18.0 General
18.1 Retrofitting energy saving measures
18.2 Developing an energy savings carbon management programme
18.3 What are energy audits and surveys?
18.4 Planning a site survey
18.5 How to carry out energy audits and surveys
18.6 Preliminary audits
18.7 Site surveys
18.8 Assessing energy saving measures
18.9 Analysis and reporting
18.10 Implementing savings
18.11 Specific energy saving measures
Appendix 18.A1: Site survey checklist
19 Benchmarking, monitoring and targeting (M&T)
19.0 General
19.1 The M&T process
19.2 Using energy data
19.3 Setting up an M&T system
19.4 Data quality
19.5 M&T analysis techniques
19.6 Benchmarking end-uses
19.7 Setting targets
19.8 Maintaining the savings
Part C: Benchmarks
20 Energy benchmarks
20.0 General
20.1 Overall building benchmarks
20.2 Detailed component benchmarks
20.3 Detailed end-use benchmarks
Appendix A1: Conversion factors, fuel data and correction of meter readings
Appendix A2: Using consultants and model brief
Revision author and technical editor: David Cheshire (AECOM Sustainability Group)
Reviewers: Richard Brailsford; Simon Burton; Mike Campbell; Lionel Delorme; Zac Grant; Malcolm Hanna; Stephanie Hoffman; Barry Knight; Ted Paszynski; Fabia Pennington; Martin Valentine; Paul Woods; Gina Barney; Ashley Bateson; Vic Crisp; Guy Hundy; Phil Jones; Anastasia Mylona & Andy Stanton