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Student achievements worth supporting

CIBSE’s vision is for better performing buildings, both for society and the environment and it is committed to further enhance the support and recognition of individuals, including students, in building services for their achievements.

CIBSE ANZ Community - Get Involved

CIBSE ANZ is a community of building engineering leaders. Volunteers are the foundation of our community.

2020 Vision for a 2030 Reality

On 9 September, over 150 delegates joined the 2020 ANZ Virtual Seminar, delivered online and live for the first time across Australia and New Zealand.

Standards Australia - Smart Cities Standards Roadmap

Standards Australia recently published Smart Cities Standards Roadmap which highlights the critical issues and makes recommendations for the development of Smart Cities Standards in Australia.

Remembering Geoffrey Brundrett - CIBSE past president

Geoff Brundrett passed way in June after a long struggle with health issues.

National Registration Framework for Building Practitioners

The following documents have been released by the ABCB, as a proposal of a national registration framework of minimum qualifications for core disciplines within the building industry:

Net-Zero Carbon Buildings – The New Normal

Earlier this month the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) in New Zealand revealed The Building for Climate Change Programme.

Remembering Donald Leeper OBE, past president of CIBSE

CIBSE lost one of its leading lights due to the COVID 19 virus in April this year.

CIBSE ANZ Young Engineers Awards - An opportunity to be seized

In times of difficulty, exceptional engineers find solutions in the darkest of corners.

CIBSE welcomes its first Kiwi Chair for ANZ

The medal changed hands at the CIBSE ANZ AGM last month.

CIBSE ANZ Response to COVID-19

Dear CIBSE ANZ members and industry supporters, CIBSE ANZ is taking the COVID-19 pandemic most seriously, with the well-being of our committees, members and industry colleagues at the forefront of our mind.

Australia and New Zealand outshine at the Building Performance Awards

The Australia and New Zealand region once again outshine at the CIBSE Awards night in London this month.

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