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Fellow/Fellow CEng: Sample Reports

New applicants for CIBSE Membership or current members who are not MCIBSE

The Engineering Practice Report should be between 4000 and 5000 words long based on the competence criteria for FCIBSE. It can also be written and presented in two different formats:

Competence Based - where the candidates start with competence A1 and describe a few projects where they feel they have covered this competence and then continue on with each of the required competences.

Project Based - where the candidates use two or three projects to highlight where they feel they have covered the competences.

Below is a number of carefully picked reports we feel are good examples of the layout and content expected from each applicant. Please note these samples do not include the new F1 and F2 criteria that need to be referenced.


Applicants transferring from MCIBSE to FCIBSE

You will need to submit a statement of your work experience/contribution to the Industry since your application for MCIBSE. Special references should be made to your level of seniority and you should refer to the Fellow competence criteria in your statement. 


Contribution to the Industry

Fellowship is the highest grade of membership and demonstrates a significant contribution to the profession. It requires an input beyond the member’s current job role and local community.

All applicants applying for FCIBSE, whether new or transferring, will need to clearly demonstrate their contribution to the profession. 

To transfer to Fellow you will need to provide evidence of a broad level of involvement and contribution to the profession through support for the Institution, young entrants to building services engineering and general promotion of the discipline.

Those applying for Fellowship will have careers that have included, for example; publishing professional papers, speaking at national/international conferences, serving on CIBSE committees or as industry experts/specialists.

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